Gaia "flamingaia" Armellin

Strategic Design Leader and Holistic Growth Coach

Makeright Design Academy


For more information about the Makeright Academy and to access all the resources for your own practice, please visit

Teaching Materials for prison staff and design team


During my volunteering experience at HMP Thameside, London, I was privileged enough to collaborate with truly amazing and uber talented people, from all walks of life.
I’d like to acknowledge them the best I can here below – I truly apologize if I missed someone, there were too many of you wonderful people!

Research, Mentoring, and Founding Team

Prof. Lorraine Gamman – Makeright Principal Investigator and founder of Design Against Crime Research Center at Central Saint Martins, London. 

Prof. Adam Thorpe – Makeright Principal Co-Investigator and co-director of Design Against Crime Research Center at Central Saint Martins, London.

Prasanna Gunasekera – Industrial designer and research associate at DACRC. He managed the textile studio at HMP Thameside.

Erika Renedo Illarregi – Industrial designer and founder of Bidean, social enterprise for mental health. She run of the textile studio at HMP Thameside.

For more detailed information about Makeright founding team, please visit


Volunteers and Support Team

Dani Davies
 – She manages of Design Against Crime Research Center, and without her help with bureaucracy, paperwork, planning, and organization, we’d have been probably completely lost!

Marcus Willcocks – He is a research fellow at Design Against Crime Research Center and his support was crucial to have the best exhibition we could have ever imagined.

Carlotta Allum – founder of Stretch Charity, she and her team developed all the videos telling our stories and the ones of the learners.
To watch the videos, please visit
To learn more about Carlotta and Stretch, please visit

Alex Harwood – artist and facilitator in community and public health services, he’s part of the Stretch team and his work helped several learners telling their story with proud and worth.

Bliss Moore –
volunteer for Makeright, Bliss is a student at Goldsmiths University. Her ways around people always brought them joy and feeling of understanding – without any sugar-coating!

Raoni Azevedo Saporetti – volunteer for Makeright, Raoni was a design student at Goldsmiths University. His design and personal background allowed him to truly connect with the learners while mentoring them to follow their own learning path.

Lara Machado – volunteer for Makeright, Lara was a design student at Goldsmiths University.

JW – volunteer for Makeright, JW is a design student at Central Saint Martins. His product design skills have been essentials during prototyping lessons, but his story-telling skills made every lesson uber-enjoyable! 

HMP Thameside
Keith Jarvis – 
enterprise manager, without his support and faith in the project, Makeright would have never happened in the first place. Just, Thank You.

Connor – prison guard in the industries workshop wing, he provided great support during Makeright lessons, especially mentoring the learners on how to achieve a mean textile origami.

The Learners – I used aliases from the same cultural background instead of their real names to protect their privacy, but still, this is my favorite part.
I know “You” probably will never see this, but I want to deeply Thank You (all of you) for allowing me into your lives even if for a brief moment and giving me the honor of being there for you during those lessons. Thank You for collaborating with me, for finding solutions together with the few resources we had, for mentoring me on life, design, and teamwork. You have been the best part of all this experience.


If you are interested in volunteering opportunities, please visit

or please send a 1 page CV (including details of a referee to contact) to

Design-based experience, but more importantly the role requires people who are good at listening and companioning others to be creative – and who can adhere to the requirements of the prison environment.

All offers are subject to passing security checks and clearance prior to joining the team.


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