Gaia "flamingaia" Armellin

Strategic Design Leader and Holistic Growth Coach

Give Voice: Social Design @ MASE

So, that happened!

I gave my first guest speech at Miami Ad School Europe in Hamburg *WOHOOP WOHOOP to one of my favorite cities!!*
Topic: Design to Give Voice to people, and the Designer as Ambassador for causes.

Most times the designers and creatives have powerful voices they use to share the word of the companies they work for or to share their own voice.
While working with Makeright and SociallyMadeInItaly, I saw how the role of the designer can be the one of facilitator for someone else to share their stories and make it more impactful and influential.

A quick preview of the presentation here below:



Here to download the interactive PDF presentation.
Here to access all the yummy extras I gathered for the students, included the Makeright Designer Kit.

To all the MASE students that trusted me and shaped that little adventure; to the MASE A(mazing)-Team of secretaries and assistants who made it possible; and to MASE Director Niklas Frings-Rupp, who has been my mentor and never stopped believing in me since when we first met in the spring of 2011. Thank You.

To find out more about Miami Ad School Europe, please visit their site, or follow them on their social media – Facebook, Instagram, Twitter.


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