Reflective Journal – Entry #2
- Generally, a good day.
- Lorraine (Gamman, principal investigator and founder of Makeright) that mentions several times the crimes of the guys. Found it preaching.
- Today theory lesson from Adam (Thorpe, co-investigator and founder of Makeright) on design process was very long and very theoretical. I was bored as well as the guys.
- Me, not filtering enough? Some bad wording like “cell mates” and similar slipped; D. caught me but I guess he didn’t get it properly and I saved myself. BUT that is very uncomfortable.
- Got the feeling I’m not a good teacher (enough) – haven’t been able to actually get people doing the work properly until Erika (Renedo Illaregi, researcher for Makeright) came in to help. I didn’t understand the exercise and wasn’t able to deliver it properly.
Felt a bit of a failure – started thinking “what if I’m not good enough for them? For teaching them?”, and then I got stuck onto this more than on helping them.
Trying too hard is not working.
P.S. Guys fixed on money issue; everything has to be about money, more money.
Is this thinking mirroring the English society mentality?
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