Gaia "flamingaia" Armellin

Strategic Design Leader and Holistic Growth Coach

Embracing Discomfort

Reflective Journal – Entry #2

  • Generally, a good day.


  1. Lorraine (Gamman, principal investigator and founder of Makeright) that mentions several times the crimes of the guys. Found it preaching.
  2. Today theory lesson from Adam (Thorpe, co-investigator and founder of Makeright) on design process was very long and very theoretical. I was bored as well as the guys.
  3. Me, not filtering enough? Some bad wording like “cell mates” and similar slipped; D. caught me but I guess he didn’t get it properly and I saved myself. BUT that is very uncomfortable. 
  4. Got the feeling I’m not a good teacher (enough) – haven’t been able to actually get people doing the work properly until Erika (Renedo Illaregi, researcher for Makeright) came in to help. I didn’t understand the exercise and wasn’t able to deliver it properly.
    Felt a bit of a failure – started thinking “what if I’m not good enough for them? For teaching them?”, and then I got stuck onto this more than on helping them.


Trying too hard is not working.

P.S. Guys fixed on money issue; everything has to be about money, more money.
Is this thinking mirroring the English society mentality? 


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